Tuesday, 30 October 2007

I like the profile images, however personally I feel they are quite 'samey' (not sure if that is even a word) in appearance and 'feel'... i.e. same colours and style. Are the point of the profiles not to illustrate different personalities and if so maybe we could consider a completely different look and feel to each profile? I think this is something Rob suggested in our tutorial.
Just a thought anyway.. I would like to get in on the profile designing if there is room for it..at the moment Ben and I are a bit out the loop in the way of deciding on how the site looks aesthetically and it would be nice if we could all have an input on the actual styling of the whole thing -especially as the whole thing is about how different shoes illustrate different personalities and styles..which is really, each of us. e.g. Maybe the work shoe could encorporate materials; a more rustic approach rather than purely digital images?

It is far to late/early which is probably why I am rabbiting on... so I will stop.

I like the use of the footprints in the most recent design Stu; works well.

And so to bed.


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