Wednesday, 31 October 2007

100th Blog Post

Cause for a woohoo or two, no?
Anyway..similar to below idea (which I think would suit the business shoe) this is an idea for the 'additional information' page for the high heel shoe. It would spread out over the two pages, not just the one. You would be able to interactive with various parts of the page, for example, clicking on the ink splodges would direct you to information about a Nottingham based art shop...and clicking on the Gatecrasher sticker would take you to the Notts Gatecrasher site... etc - this is also where the shoes-eye-view photos could be (click on them to enlarge).

What do u guys think??

An idea for the 'additional images' page (the photos of a shoes eye view etc) I don't know if we have discussed how to display the additional information (where the shoe hangs out, where to buy etc) so I've been playing with some ideas. This is an idea for the business shoe - photos of where the shoe can be found in the city and links to a few personality aspects of the shoe - the sudoku and the guardian newspaper.

I dont know if it would fit in..but let me know if you think it can go somewhere.

Good stuff guys. I've finished the five profile illustrations and am really liking the progress on that homepage as well so if we have a meet up tommorrow I think we'll ready to add some interactivity to some of the pages!


Possibility for the front page
Good stuff people this is looking positive. Sorry if I've stormed ahead with the profile pics but I felt the time for thinking was over as we have under a week to do this. My designs are easily changeable but if we have something concrete we can always chnage our minds on reflection!

Image Ready

After the 3rd workshop on website creation, I now feel that I would be quite able to apply the animation aspect to our website in the form of GIFs. This would also apply to adding the aspect of sound to the links on there.

Get Cracking!
Well Rach, if we now concentrate on the homepage and add our own elements in terms of 'continuing the visual style', (from the profile pages,) onto the homepage, then I think you will find we are well and truly in the loop.. so don't panic! I think sometimes (in a group,) with say the snapshot photography we've been doing, it feels like your not really adding your own 'creativity' or 'style' to the project, but I think you'll be able to express yourself a bit more with the homepage layout! Your time will come! + I suggest we just throw everything we've done onto the table again tommorrow and again see what we've got, and start applying our material onto dreamweaver!

Tuesday, 30 October 2007

I like the profile images, however personally I feel they are quite 'samey' (not sure if that is even a word) in appearance and 'feel'... i.e. same colours and style. Are the point of the profiles not to illustrate different personalities and if so maybe we could consider a completely different look and feel to each profile? I think this is something Rob suggested in our tutorial.
Just a thought anyway.. I would like to get in on the profile designing if there is room for the moment Ben and I are a bit out the loop in the way of deciding on how the site looks aesthetically and it would be nice if we could all have an input on the actual styling of the whole thing -especially as the whole thing is about how different shoes illustrate different personalities and styles..which is really, each of us. e.g. Maybe the work shoe could encorporate materials; a more rustic approach rather than purely digital images?

It is far to late/early which is probably why I am rabbiting on... so I will stop.

I like the use of the footprints in the most recent design Stu; works well.

And so to bed.


Actually, changed my mind about those backgrounds. These are the newbys!

Heels background image

These is the buisness image I've produced for my map section. Using only things on the list so hopefully they should fit in with Jacks. Dose anyone think we should have a background colour throughout. That browny creamy colour on the others looks quite good? What'dya reckon? p.s. the one with a background colour is actually 800x600 so is ready to rock and roll!


This is probably a bit too late but I've just come across these stylised maps tweaked to fit into the appropriate style of shops they're showing, eg. goth shop etc. It's good research if nothing else.



Here are 3 of the profile templates so far, the white trainer one isnt finished yet but just to give u an idea what its gonna look like...



Ben and rachel are going to go ahead with constructing the environmaent for the hompage scene. We have already come up with some composition ideas and are now going to go-ahead with actually taking the necessary photo/video for this aspect of the site.

Monday, 29 October 2007

Err..and now it's 80 posts.

*party popper"
We've nearly got 80 posts..that's quite exciting!

How about some road names to go with that Ay, AAYYY!

Thats ace Rach! Tell Stuart and Jack, they're the ones creating the profiles at the moment! I think I better start looking at some of those software tutorials so I can get on par with the rest of you guys!

An idea for the look of the shoe profiles... what do u guys think??

A wee sample of my idea of what the backgrounds to the shoes could look like!
And once again it has stripped the images of any black! WHYYY!!!

Reckon those 'shoes eyes' pics are gonna look awesome. Heres a sample of the map I'm producing, if we get some images on here of shoes it could look pretty awesome with some roll overs.

Some more shoes-eye-view pics!

Fat Cats Bar - High Heeled Shoe

Market Square - Business Shoe

Business shoe

Department store- Victoria Centre; High Heeled Shoe

Sunday, 28 October 2007

A shoes-eye-view

A few photos I've taken for the High Heeled Shoe - still have to go and get some pics for the Business shoe, but will do that tomorrow.

A little idea for the map or other parts of the site could be shoe boxes. Their motion could easily be captured and turned into a stop animation on the site or just for roll overs?

Webpage layout

Dunno if this is any help but as I see it presently this is the layout for the website we have. If this has changed then print one of these beauts out and scribble on it. This is easily changeable on indesign, however if this is correct I think it highlights the need for a decent template for the website!

Friday, 26 October 2007


Here's the CLassifieds page so far. When the mouse is rolled over an image it turns to full colour. Let me know if you have any suggestions.



I noticed this charmer while working on the classifieds page. I'll let you guys fight over her... :)

Unfortunately that image looks nothing like the one on my computer, the black has been drained from it... Wierd. Hope you get the general idea.


Provisional map

Wuurrddd. Been a tad behind on work this week people but I'm back on the ball. Just knocked out an idea for the map. Think the 3D buttons could do with working on, Maybe have images of the shoes inside the shapes utilising the roll over tool: Please post some ideas. Will continue with other extra work for monday too. Go Team State!

Thursday, 25 October 2007

Site Map and next task>>

We have now come up with a provisional site map, (below,) that indicates a) how many pages we are going to have on our site and b) the actual content of each site. We have assigned each member of the team with a different task to start to put together our research into content and ultimately visuals. Stuart is going to work on a concept for the map of Nottingham which will show the locations of each type of footwear. jack is going to start working on the Metro newspaper element of the website. Me and Rachel are going to start gathering visuals of the different profiles of footwear by taking photos of their particular location and environment, i.e We have established that a smart pair of polished black shoes will be located around the Waterfront area, banks and buisnesses, and 'The Park' area. Rachel will be gathering research for buisness shoes and Stilletto's and I will be gathering research for white trainers, building site footwear, and vans/converse sneakers. we have decided to meet Monday with what we have gathered and produced.


After the 2nd workshop with Johnny, i was a bit relieved that Dreamweaver wasn't all about writing html and 'tags'! After the first workshop I thought it was going to be a case of constant typing of 'html.index' etc. and beyond! After the 2nd workshop though, I was a bit reassured that we would be able to put across our idea using this programme, (or Flash- Jack!) The 2nd workshop actually made me think that web-design could be something I would consider doing in the future too, (but lets see how this project turns out first!) :)

Monday, 22 October 2007

Shoes illustrating personality

Just playing around with some ideas

Scrolling shoe shop? Screen scrolls across, different music for each shoe.

Back to the 'scene' idea - scrolling screen revealing different scenes . Possibly like the above, but maybe switching to completely new places i.e. corner house, lace market, broadmarsh etc

Going along with the 'tie the knot' idea of Jack's, I had a play around with Facebook and made a converse trainer it's own profile - wish I could make it big enough for you guys to see; but basically I filled out it's profile - interests, activities, music taste, movies, books etc....

Tie the Knot - find your perfect shoe...

Heres a rough mock up of my 'tie the knot: find your perfect shoe' idea. Set in the Evening Post, you select one of the lovely shoes from the page, which then brings up a themed profile where you can listen to appropriate music, see where in nottingham the shoe visits and learn more about its 'personality'.

Maybe the shoes could have links to their own myspace shoes as well. It still needs a lot of work but its got a lot of potential and pretty immersive.

What'ya reckon?


Some visualising...

Outlines of people in the city - possibly placed on a background of a photograph of the city? Roll over the image
for a picture of the shoes to appear. Click on the shoes to travel
to a 'personality profile'?

-Roll over a figure and a specific style of music begins to play?
- Move from scene to scene - different types of people in each scene?
- Use a 'dance mat' style navigation to walk around the scene i.e. forward zooms into the scene, backwards pulls out, left leaves to another scene, right goes to another... etc

An unwelcome return...

I woke up this morning to find last night's dinner willing to make a return journey. Rachel; not happy. I'm pretty sure I poisoned myself with some badly cooked sausages...but that is beside the point really.

Anyway; if I'm feeling better I will come in, otherwise I will work from home and post everything I've done on here so you can see. Can you guys post any visuals you've been working on, on here, so I can see too?

Let me know what time we are meeting tomorrow!



Sunday, 21 October 2007

we'll see each other 2moz at 10.00 so we'll sort something out then



What time are we meeting in the mac room?

Saturday, 20 October 2007

I've been taking photos at work (a shoe shop)today and drawin up a few ideas and am now seeing a few solid ideas. It's not bad having loads of research but hopefully it's getting more focused by now so that it can help develop a potentially strong idea.

Look forward to seeing what we've all got on Monday!

We do have a pretty huge amount of research to work on guys and the more we decide where we're taking this the better it will help inform what research it is that is useful. Taking a broad intake of research is good but it's not focused which in my eyes is not only the stage we are at but reflects more closely on professional pratice. Come monday hopefully we will leave with a clear idea of what we have to do so don't freak out quite yet, we're steaming on really well at the moment. Just bring everything along and I'm sure we'll nail this on the head. See y'all Monday!


Thursday, 18 October 2007

Yeh Rach, if you get some sort of idea bubblin', get some 'secondary research' into that particular idea.. it doesn't mean that your 'commiting' to one idea by doing that, probably just means that your going to develop the idea in question beeter! You will still be able to keep a broad mind and explore other ideas at the same time! :)
I assume that's Jack... (invite yourself to join..!)
I think we have a great idea... but there are so many amazing ideas leading on from our initial idea, I think it's worth researching as much as we can - even if it's not what we initially agreed to do..does that make sense?! lol

I'm just researching anything and everything to do with shoes in nottingham!!
Rach, thats whats driving me on! We've actually got a mint idea, we just haven't thought of it yet!!!
Keep an eye on what everyone else is doing at

Must make sure we out-do the other Shoe group!!

"Enough Research" ?

Backing Ben's point about final ideas and also Jack's comment about having 'enough research' - I don't think we can have 'enough' research, especially if we want to look into different angles and explore other ideas before coming to a final idea and angle... so my suggestion is that we keep researching...just different research to what we already have.
Dunno if you all agree with that..but that's what I think anyway!

Controversy hits The State... :p

Word of advice>>

We've come up with some decent themes so far, such as the association of footwear and personalities, but I don't think we should try and focus in on '1 idea' too soon. Aslong as we keep our artefact, (footwear,) in mind, I think we should broaden out our idea thinking. Remember that there has also got to be a connection to the 'City of Nottingham' with our artefact, so keep that in mind! I think I'm going to look into using words associated with 'footwear' and just try out new materials, and basically new ways of interpreting footwear to hopefully spark the start of some good ideas! Refer to the research we have gathered so far though, some good stuff in there!


Lets get some ideas down on Paper

Good work today everybody! I reckon we've done enough research so now it's *drunroll* visualisation time. Baring in mind what we've researched and said so far lets all start some rough mocks of possible ideas so that when we meet up on Monday we have some solid ideas to play with.

Also, why am I not a member of this blog yet? am i not good enough for The State??

So now we need to put our research together and begin idea generation. We've already had some ideas as we gathered our research, so now we can start taking note of them and start the design process. (converse do cool sites!)

Have you seen this by Dr. Martins >>>

Make your own boot!


Wednesday, 17 October 2007

It's a narrow escape from fox poo...

It's funny what you notice when you actually look at what your shoes are coming into contact with. Today, amongst other things, my shoes met some Autumn leaves (only the crunchy kind of course), some fox poo, various pieces of chewed gum and a rather satisfying puddle.

Some awesome sites to look at!

Hey again folks, i've found some tip top sites that may help us out. I can show you tommorrow but check them out if you get a minute.
